made his way|make his way in English

went, advanced, progressed

Use "made his way|make his way" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "made his way|make his way" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "made his way|make his way", or refer to the context using the word "made his way|make his way" in the English Dictionary.

1. He made his way slowly through the throng.

2. He made his way along the sepulchral corridors.

3. On leaden feet he made his way down the stairs.

4. He eventually escaped and made his way back to England.

5. He made his way into the dining car for breakfast.

6. He looked around, then made his way to the lavatory.

7. In no way can the adulterer make restitution for his sin.

8. That a guy in some way made his suicide publicly available.

9. He made his way eastward through town and into adjacent fields.

10. Hank made a vulgar sound of distaste, shoved his hands in his pockets and continued on his way.

11. He made his way to the yam sacks lashed Abaft the mizzenmast and got his bottle.

12. Is he reluctant to make certain adjustments in his way of life?

13. 14 A trickle of melted butter made its way down his chin.

14. David grinned in that unassuming way of his and made his class line-up for my autograph.

15. He made his way down the narrow road, huddled like a crab within his familiar brown overcoat.

16. 4 His evilness gave way to his conscience.

17. He even seemed to go out of his way to make me jealous.

18. 8 I didn't like the way he made derogatory comments about his colleagues.

19. Henry made his way through Danny's yard and peeped through the back window.

20. Willi made his way over to Madge Grimsilk, coughed, hesitated, then bowed in a very old-fashioned and courtly way.

21. He was on his way to meet his fiancée.

22. Ought to make it a silent picture the way the guy does his lines.

23. Angel was now desperately trying to make his way as a professional polo player.

24. He made his way out the crowd and squeezed on that jam-packed bus.

25. But today he broke this routine, and made his way back to the carrousel.